With MyInsuranceInfo, you can submit your insurance information online in your spare time and verify that you have sufficient coverage to qualify for this loan. MyInsuranceInfo is ready to assist you with this issue as soon as possible. Simply go through the verification process.


Frequently Asked Questions

Can CPI be refunded if I had insurance all along?

Your financial institution may be able to refund you if you accidentally paid a CPI charge even though you had the right coverage. Upon completing the MyInsuranceInfo verification process, you should contact the local branch of your financial institution to inquire about specific refunds.

I thought I took care of insurance verification. The insurance was given to someone already.

Insurance processes involve a lot of people, and mistakes do happen from time to time. Your insurance information can be submitted through the MyInsuranceInfo portal even if you have already provided it to someone. This is the most efficient way to connect all the dots.

My lapse in coverage was a while ago. Why am I being charged now?

Several times after the lapse in coverage, your financial institution contacts you via mail or email, asking you to confirm your insurance coverage via the MyInsuranceInfo portal. After you have been notified and given time to complete the request, your lender retroactively adds the CPI coverage to your account. As a result, there wasn’t an immediate charge since the process of reaching out takes time.

How can I find my VIN (Vehicle Identification Number)?

There are several places where the VIN may be physically located on your car, depending on the make and model. On the driver’s side dashboard or on the inside of the driver’s door are two common places to locate stickers. Alternatively, you can find the VIN on your vehicle’s insurance card or title (DMV).